Tag Archives: Health

Happy Office is a Healthy Office

The daily wear and tear of being an employee can definitely take its toll on one’s health. Lack of sleep, exercise, and personal time can all lead to employee health deficiencies, which can then impact job performance and office morale. It is beneficial for organizations to take a role in their employee’s health and fitness needs.

The National Association for Health and Fitness encourages organizations to initialize worksite health promotion programs to enhance the overall health and productivity of employees. Each year the NAHF administers the Nation Employee Health and Fitness Month, which is created to promote the benefits of physical activity for individuals through their work site health promotion activities. The NAHF claims the benefits for employers include: enhanced employee productivity, improved health care costs management decreased rates of illness and injuries, and reduced employee absenteeism. The benefits for employees include: lower levels of stress, increased well being, self-image and self- esteem, and improved physical fitness.

Some companies are taking this concept a step further by making wellness a standard in their company policy. The real estate company RPM Development Group has created a wellness program to better the livelihood of its employees.  The plan includes a fitness club membership, nutrition/diet and required checkups for preventive measures.The plan has been implemented since 2008. The purpose is to promote healthier wellness and healthier lifestyles, and also to keep healthcare costs from skyrocketing. Management personnel have very stationery jobs and these programs help to promote better physical and mental health. An employee wellness program can be extremely effective in boosting not only employee morale, but also employee livelihood.

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Posted by on April 11, 2012 in Uncategorized


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